16 Jul 2010

If you are feeling sorry for yourself over a recent disappointment, Aries, set some time aside for wallowing in self pity, and then move on. It's okay to indulge in feelings of disappointment, anger, and resentment; but it's definitely not okay to become cynical or even cruel. Be careful when traveling today. You may be (or you may be riding with) a top-notch driver, but it's "the other guy" that you have to look out for. Just be sure to wear your seatbelt, stay alert, and don't take any chances.

Faith is a concept that some people have a hard time understanding. There is someone in your life right now that you wish would have faith in you. If this person's belief in you waivers, you may see this as a strike against your character, but that is not the case. The person you are dealing with has probably become quite cynical after some difficult experiences. The issue is not with you, but with this individual's inability to believe in anyone. By continuing to be your dependable self, you will eventually win this person's trust.

If an apology isn't being heard or accepted by someone you care about, you may want to say it again - this time with flowers, or chocolates, or some other token of your affection. Even if what you wish to be forgiven for isn't all that bad, it may take a little extra cajoling to get your point across. Don't take it to heart. The person to whom you owe an apology may just be testing you to make sure you really mean what you are saying. Take it in stride, and be sure to be on your best behavior from now on.

Try not to become overzealous in an argument. Something you feel passionate about may not translate well to someone in your family or social circle. If you allow a certain cause or belief to create a divide between you and someone you know, it may also alienate others who are connected. For today and tomorrow, steer clear of topics that can enflame you, and you'll be a much happier camper. Tonight, get to bed early. You will want to be well-rested so that you can greet tomorrow with enthusiasm.

If there's someone in your life who is a constant or recurring source of trauma or sadness, you have to do something about it. If this person doesn't contribute a whole lot of positive energy to your life, then what's the point in continuing the relationship? Work up your nerve to end it as peacefully as possible. On the other hand, if this individual has something of value to contribute to your life, and you think that the friendship is salvageable, you will still need to address the issue. You can't go on allowing this person to wreak havoc. Just make sure your approach is constructive, not destructive.

Don't allow jealousy to ruin your day, Virgo. If you are feeling a tad green-eyed over someone in your life, it is truly a waste of your energy. We are all individuals with many different facets and a wide diversity of qualities to offer. Think about what makes you unique, and celebrate your own very special qualities. Don't compare yourself to anyone, because you are incomparable in the ways that really count. Tonight, reach out to someone who is on your mind, but whom you haven't heard from in awhile. This person may need you.

You are unstoppable today, Libra. The force is with you, and you are formidable. You should feel a surge of energy this morning. If you put it to good use you can accomplish a lot. Just be sure that your enthusiasm and surge of power doesn't cause you to trample on anyone else's rights or feelings, or you may lose some of your momentum when you stop to patch things up. Go with the flow and maintain a happy demeanor, and you will make everyone happy, especially yourself.

Dream big today, Scorpio. You will have assistance from the Great Divine in making your dreams come true. Don't be afraid to chase after something you want very much, but which you are afraid is too much to hope for. If you acknowledge your desires to yourself and to the world, you can then create a plan and start visualizing the manifestation of what you want. You have to embrace your power here, or you won't make the progress that is very possible - and very essential - right now.

It would be an understatement to say that the economy has suffered recently. Unemployment has been high, businesses have failed, and - perhaps most prominently in the news - real estate has created an unparalleled buyer's market. It's safe to say that this time period has been unimaginably difficult for many people. However, for certain others with cash for investing, this time has been extremely lucrative. So there's always something to be gained if you are on the right side of the fence. Today, Sagittarius, in whatever you do... make sure you are on the right side of the fence.

When something wonderful happens in your life, and it seems as though it was meant to be, we call that fate. When something bad happens in your life, even though you did everything you could to avoid it, we call that fate also. But that's not necessarily the case. Fate is not that specific. There may be things that pop up along the road you are on, but you don't always have to accept them as part of your destiny. Sometimes you have a choice. Something that seems pre-destined to you now is actually an option, not a demand. Make sure you want it before you accept it.

Brush off an insult or hurtful comment this morning. Someone may not have the highest opinion of you or something you have done, but that shouldn't really matter to you, should it Aquarius? Unless, that is, you share that person's critical opinion. If you are not happy with a recent action on your part, and you think it reflects poorly on your character or your judgment, then take the necessary steps to correct what transpired. You can get back on track simply by doing the right thing.

If you know there is an impending crisis headed toward you, then you also know that you have the power to intervene and stop it. Don't get lazy today and let a snowball become an avalanche. There are things you can do now to lessen the impact of some challenge that is headed your way. But you will have to be on your toes, Pisces. That means taking responsibility for a recent mistake, communicating the problem to those who are involved, and then doing what you know you must do.

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